
Our Faculty
St. Anuarite Girls Secondary School offers a wealth of opportunity to our students as we strive to provide excellence in Catholic education. By developing students’ academic, emotional, spiritual, and physical abilities, we hope to develop students that are self-directed learners, collaborative thinkers, and life long learners. We are able to send teachers to professional development opportunities to enhance our programs and enrich the experiences at our school for our students. In this section of the website, you will find information about the various school departments.

St Anuarite Girls is aiming at producing great and powerful mathematicians as the school has become a center of excellence.

As the mathematics department, we normally deal with logical reasoning and qualitative calculation and its development has involved increasing degree of idealization and obstruction of mathematics subject matter.

In St. Anuarite girls, mathematics has been an indispensable adjunct to the physical sciences and technology and recent time mathematics has assumed a similar role in the qualitative aspect of the life science.

St Anuarite Girls love and appreciate mathematics because;

  • There is only one right answer but different routes to get there.
  • Mathematics never changes.
  • Mathematics is logical.
  • In mathematics there is always more to learn.
  • Mathematics can be applied in day-to-day life.

The Importance of guidance and counselling cannot be underscored since it provides a foundation for the students to understand their interests, abilities and challenges. To achieve this goal several strategies have been employed such as invitation of external counsellors, internal counselling sessions been held at class level. Peer counsellors also assist in helping other learners in dealing with various challenges faced by adolescents.

Various skills have been taught to the learners which are geared towards making them morally upright. They include proper decision making, self-awareness, assertiveness, critical thinking, creative thinking, conflict resolution among others. The skills are instrumental in the development of an individual who is able to tackle challenges encounter in life.

The department also helps learners to overcome anxiety or depression that is very common with adolescents. Character formation has also been undertaken thus helping learners or student’s behavior and instilling enough discipline in and out of school.

Learners are also encouraged to work so as to realize their full potential thus preparing them for their future. Psychological social support has also been provided to learners thus enabling them to deal with emerging issues which would otherwise have destabilized them.


Languages are an integral part of humankind. The importance of languages cannot be Underestimated. Human beings are social animals and languages play a vital role in enforcing this. According to Ludwig Wittgenstein ‘the limits of my language means the limit of my world.’ Language department is fundamental in enabling the learners develop holistically. The key areas which are inculcated during the study of languages are: listening, speaking, reading and writing play a significant part in later life. Languages also instill moral values which are acquired through integration of set books and narratives. The moral values enable the learners live harmoniously with other people in the world.

The learners are obliged to study English and Kiswahili since they are mandatory subjects in the Kenyan curriculum. The masterly of these essential subjects not only aid in superb communication but also crucial in future career development. The department comprises of devoted, ambitious and skilled teachers who are dedicated to assist the girls in fulfilling their dreams. There are various pedagogic which are geared towards better performance; peer teaching, group discussions, ICT integration and other teacher Centered approaches. These methods champion critical thinking, creative thinking, and decision making and assertiveness.

Since practice makes perfect, the language department sees to it the learners make good of use of these languages in their interactions among themselves. This will definitely play a predominant role in languages masterly. This will help in writing exams in all other subjects as stipulated in the Kenyan Secondary School Curriculum.Truly, the St Anuarite Girls’ Secondary School’s language department is an epitome in the society at large. The department has a key obligation to fulfill in order make the school a Centre of academic excellence. According to Roger Bacon ‘knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.’


The term humanities come from latin phrase “studia humanitatis” a phrase that means “studies of humanity”. Humanities consist of all those fields of study and activities that teach us what it means to be human. Humanities present us with numerous alternatives for behavior development and improves on the quality of being humane. Humanities department in our school, is a leading unit that promotes academic achievement and excellence. Pursuant to this vision, the department monitors academic development and success of our learners in all humanity’s academic disciplines. The department is always determined and focused in improving content delivery through various teaching methods, team teaching, integration of I.C.T, academic field studies, offering academic, moral and spiritual guidance and counselling among other teaching strategies.

The members in our department are focused on developing outstanding academic programs and cultivating powerful learning environment for our learners.Studying humanities exposes students to creative ideas from great minds. The department has dedicated, committed and professional instructors who mold and shape the destiny of our learners through exemplary performance in academics.

The department instills critical thinking as well as inculcating discipline to the students, this enables them to make wise and morally responsible choices in both present and future. We strive for academic excellence.


Welcome to St. Anuarite girls career guidance department where we teach, train and guide our girls on how to become ladies of substance the society can rely on. As it is said,” it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.” We St. Anuarite girls in the department we are dedicated to ensure that our girls remain focused in their studies as far as their career choice is concerned.

Remember in career guidance we normally remind our girls that: -

“Success is not key to happiness; Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” Herman Cain

“Action is the fundamental key to success.” Pablo Picasso

“Try not to become a man of success rather become a man of value.” Albert Einstein.

“I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.”

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” Oprah Winfrey.


Agriculture the backbone of our country’s economy. Welcome to St. Anuarite Girls the school of knowledge, transparency and success. Where Agriculture has found its way to teach, train and guide students to become self -reliant and also to boost food security in the society. The school relies on the farm for all types of vegetables that helps to sustain the student’s health. We also provide a good training in both crop and livestock production. We keep dairy breeds of cattle that supply milk for the school and surplus we sell locally.

In agriculture the school offers a variety of exposure to our students like visiting K.A.R.I, Universities and large scales farmers for further exposure. We are dedicated to offer an all-round student who can fit in this challenging society as far as food demand is concerned. Academically Agriculture is one of the best performed subject, awarded with several trophies and certificates that we are proud of.


St. Anuarite Girls Secondary is working hard in the science department, to help our learners build the capacity to compete favorably with their counterparts in other schools, in the areas of science. Innovation and technology. Apart from teaching learners the three main science subjects (Biology, Physics and Chemistry), the department is encouraging them to explore in other related fields especially the Kenya Science and Engineering Fair. Over the last years our students have been coming up with innovative projects that score highly in the county and regional levels.

In making career choices, our learners are always privileged to pursue good courses at the university level owing to their good performance in science subjects. Most of them take science related courses which are always marketable. The school has a well-equipped modern science laboratory with enough space to cater for the three Subjects and adequate facilities installed. Students across all classes have weekly practical lessons.

They are also encouraged to do their own practicals on daily basis. The science teachers and the lab technicians work together as a team in organizing, administering, supervising, marking and reviewing the practical tests. The science department is going an extra mile in ensuring that the students are well prepared for both internal and external exams prior to doing the exams.Working together as one in molding the future scientists.
